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From my WORSHIP page of my book STILL BEFORE THE DAWN! 

It was busy around the Reichel house yesterday. New sod was being planted in our yard, our 22 year old driveway was getting redone, but then to top it all, our house and deck were being sprayed " power washed." As I drove away to give my talk about my book at Redfish for the Women of UGA luncheon, I felt a bit out of sorts. The beautiful spring flowers I had just planted in pots had to ALL be moved off the deck, my driveway was blocked, workers were all over my yard planting sod, and men were all around my house spraying away! The guy spraying said, "Oh my, you sure do have lots of dirt on your house!" Everything was One Big Mess! How could I talk about my book and the peace it brings to others when I didn't have much peace to give. Well, God got hold of my heart within the 5 minutes I had to drive to the restaurant . I quickly prayed,"Lord please forgive me for my bad attitude and for not being grateful. Lord, please give me your peace that surpasses ALL understanding." He did. My talk went well and I was truly at peace.

As I drove into our newly paved driveway, I saw freshly planted sod, and the brightest whitest house ever. The greatest treat was going onto my screen porch "My place of solitude with God" and seeing all the dirt washed away and my white oyster shell cross shining bright!  "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness."1 John 1:9(NIV)

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