Sleepless Nights
Have you ever lay in bed with a hundred million thoughts spinning in your head? This was how it all started for me many years ago...night after sleepless night. After many nights, I realized that the Lord was waking me up. At 4 am, I grabbed my pen, Bible and journal and went to screened porch. I cried out to God. My heart was burdened with so much. After reading scripture, I started sharing my heart with the Lord. I prayed and felt him giving me words of comfort...words in rhyming prose. Soon my dreaded 4 am wake-ups became my sweet anointed time with Jesus.
I would encourage each of you to find a quiet place and spend time with Jesus our Creator. Let God's Word seep into your soul. Listen. Write your thoughts and prayers to Him. The comfort, healing, peace and joy will far surpass what we ask or think possible.